June 05, 2020

UAN's Commitment

By Kelly Riding |  

The past couple of weeks have been tough. I’m not going to lie. I try to live my life with an open heart and open mind, and recently have done a lot of self-reflection. I believe #blacklivesmatter and change starts within each of us. I am recommitting to understanding my own privilege and doing more listening and learning. I will make mistakes, and I hope my friends and colleagues call me out so I can be better. 

Race and Equity Resources

I encourage you to visit our website and review the race and equity resources, which include ideas for educators, parents, and anyone who wants to learn more and create change within themselves and their communities. We offer a range of resources including:

  • How to talk with youth about race, racism, and other difficult topics
  • Podcasts and stories about race and identity
  • Addressing race and trauma in the classroom
  • Human rights
  • Overcoming illicit bias
  • Civil rights history
  • Dynamics of discrimination
  • Promoting equity

Learn More 

UAN’s Commitment

We, at the Utah Afterschool Network, add our commitment to listen, learn, engage, stand up, and focus on what afterschool programs do best -- bringing equity and belonging to kids throughout Utah and the country. We are dedicated to ensuring youth feel loved, safe, and supported in their afterschool programs, empowering them to foster growth within themselves and within their communities. 

antiracism.jpgWe denounce racial discrimination and do not want to remain silent. We will lift up voices beyond our network, and ensure all communities have a voice and are heard. We do not seek to return to the “normal” we knew before the pandemic. We want to move forward and be better. We share the Afterschool Alliance’s sentiments and are “committed to addressing racial inequity in our own work and recognize that this is an ongoing process that will require intentional thought, education, and action. We don’t have all the answers, and we will make mistakes, but fully accept our responsibility to keep striving, learning, and sharing.”

We care deeply and commit to bettering ourselves everyday. 

We will post resources over the next week and encourage you to tag your amazing work by using the hashtag #leadwithinclusion.

Impacting Youth and Change

Afterschool and summer programs level the playing field for kids and provide equitable experiences to help them be successful in school and after graduation. We have the opportunity to impact change by developing our staff and teams and creating safe spaces for our youth. We invite and deeply desire your perspectives and partnership along the way.

In solidarity,
Kelly Riding